Friday, November 13, 2009

Memory Lane 13. The Boy with a Purse

I have just returned from a swanky fundraiser evening. I'm all dolled up, and if it wasn't for the fact that I just beat back a migraine this afternoon, and have a sinus infection and am hopped up on cold medication, I'd think that I looked pretty fly.

It's times like these that I need to be reminded that in 1978 I was known as "The Boy With A Purse".

Yeah. It was that bad.

Oh, but look! There's Skippy! That'd be Skippy my dog, not Skippy my son... Hmm. I probably should've thought of that before I gave my kids pseudonyms in this diary all those years ago...

Tomorrow, I'll talk about Skippy. (the dog).

But now? I've gotta get this sinus infected head onto a nice pillow.

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