The Pooh Variant | 3/30/2006 |
The kids were ecstatic when there came the knock at the door. I'm glad I let them all stay up late. It was worth it for the extra hour of fun last night.
Part of said fun was watching the kids cream us at Chicken Cha Cha Cha

(I've recommended this game before, and I'll do it again. It's a fun little well-produced memory game with beautiful pieces, and somehow, the kids ALWAYS win)
But what had the kids in stitches last night was the fact that Ken had just received the Expansion Set for the game. Yes, if a game with chickens plucking each other's tail feathers is fun, how much MORE fun would it be if the chickens could also POOP on each other.
Oh yes, hear my children squeal with glee as they say "I'm jumping over the poo" or 'I'm pooping right here" and not get reprimanded for using a 'bathroom word' at the kitchen table.
As they were playing, I said "So, Ken, this is Expansion #2, right?"
He looked up, "Um, no. I think this is the only... oh DUH" and we started laughing like hyenas along with the kids, who didn't seem to have a clue why we suddenly found the game as amusing as they did.
We managed to pull a rabbit out of the hat at the last minute. Seriously, my house looked like a bomb went off in it until only a few hours before the inlaws arrived. My own fault. I could've started things way earlier, but I'm Queen of Procrastination, and when you throw in a lovely full-day migraine, and kids' schedules, and friends who need "Just this ONE last thing", you get a woman frantic with 5 hours until the Mother In Law lands.
I don't know why I do this to myself, because we have SUCH a great time when the house is tidy and zen-like. I wonder if I'll EVER lose this "must put things off until I'm up against a nearly unsurmountable deadline, and then work like a madwoman" compulsion.
Skip's class is heading up to the MOMA today. It's Vincent vanGogh's birthday, I think. Too bad the Museum doesn't have any of his works.
I stupidly told the Field Trip Mom that I could drive back-up, if some emergency came up. Why? Argh! I emailed her last night, saying "I've not heard anything. I'm assuming you've got everything under control" only to hear back with a "oh, let's be safe rather than sorry. Be at the school at 9am". Argh! This is the same mom that pestered me endlessly one night because her daughter couldn't sleep, thinking she'd been voted "Shortest in the Class".
Why didn't I just keep my head down?
My friend Lisa The New Knitter brought me some yarn the other day. She'd bought it to make a scarf, but it was turning out to be awful to work with as a novice. It's gorgeous yarn (and pricey! $15/ball) but the feathers are so soft that they seem to glom onto themselves and turn the yarn into a big giant knot.
I watched a show on the Dall Sheep of the Yukon, and knit that yarn up into a long, long, LONG (that ball had great yardage!) skinny scarf on Tuesday evening.
Yesterday at Bible Study I handed the scarf off to her, and felt rather heroic.
Now, back to the little green Snake Sweater.
Ken printed our Giants Game tickets off on the computer. Yes, we live in a modern age, but I still find that rather fascinating.
We'll be heading up to The City to watch the game on Sunday afternoon. Skip's choir will be singing the national anthem, and this will be my first time (in the 3 years he's done it) to actually watch him do it in person. This is the reason that the grandparents have driven down from Canada.
I just hope the rain stops.
I had the most unsettling dream last night.
In my dream, I swallowed my toothbrush. And then it got stuck in my small intestine, and ulcerated it, and the doctors were keeping an eye on me to see if I could contort to make the thing pass, or if I was going to have to have laproscopic surgery to remove the thing.
Since I've woken up, I keep having these tummy rumbles and I want to palpate and see if I've got the lump.