Friday, November 28, 2008

For Comparison Purposes

Just to compare boy-lists with girl-list.

This is what Kelly compiled the other day. Then she formatted it, printed it out, and made sure I had it before it was time for me to go shopping this morning.

Kelly's Christmas List:

Black horse Webkinz
Manatee Webkinz
Clydesdale Webkinz
Pinto Webkinz
Big Horse stuffed animal
Shimmer Roll-on Fragrance(apple Blossom. Bath and body work)
Nintendogs (DS game)
Ipod(not HOT pink or Red)
Horse Models
A Little Black Pony(snicker snicker. I know this won't happen)
Animal Earrings
Garnet Earrings
Water Color Pencils
A Shirt With A Star On It
Blue Pom-Pom Jacket
Blue Fuzzy Slippers

And, just between you, me, and the lamp-post, I purchased NONE of those things, but she will be having a pretty Merry Christmas anyways. (Well, except for the Snow Globe that I bought her, and then dropped out of the back of my van onto the driveway while I was sneaking all the presents into the house tonight. Whoopsie. I now know what "a million pieces" actually looks like.

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