Saturday, July 10, 2010

Horse Camp Catch Up Part 2.

It was a big crowd of girls, so most days, there were two cars driving out to the coast. I was able to take all 7 girls, and one other mom could, too. The dynamic between the girls was usually OK, but there was just that tiny undercurrent of conflict that made me edgy.

But enough about that. Let's remember the good bits.

I never got tired of watching them come home from dusty beach rides. And yeah, maybe I took a few more photos than most doting parents. The guys at the ranch started calling me "The Photographer".

And Smoke turned out to be the ideal horse for Kelly. I could have taken him home with us, I was so enamored with him, too. I don't know what sort of life he had before this ranch, but he really seemed to be happy to see Kelly, if you can believe that. Would walk right to her. Nuzzle her. Sent her into Horse Lover Heaven, I can tell you.

This year, I was happy to see that they were making the girls take over more of the care of their horses. Not just cursory brushings, but they were required to saddle up in the mornings, and clean up at the end of the day. I really liked seeing the girls break a sweat.

Kelly and her shadow...

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