Monday, March 16, 2009

Remodel. Day 14.

Andrew (Our Beloved Contractor, OBC for short) arrived early with a bunch of stuff for M&L. Buckets, mortar, tools, extra construction-y stuff. He was quite surprised (and happy, I hope) to see that we'd already found a bathroom vanity for the downstairs bath, and we had a little chat about putting in a temporary kitchen in the laundry room for the duration of the kitchen remodel. He'll be looking for a basic kitchen-type lower cabinet (pre-made) to house a laundry sink (which will double as a kitchen sink for the next 5 weeks) and a set of drawers and a bit of counter-top, and if it's got Shaker/Mission style doors, it's a bonus, but I said "Hey, it's a LAUNDRY ROOM" so he's not gonna look that hard. And then we went our separate ways, after I set up coffee for the guys.

When I returned 2 hours later, it was to the scene of much industrious working.

To quote Monty Python: Huuuuuuuge... tracts of tile!

It's browner than I thought. And it's going to make a difference in how I view the paint, too.

This is SO MUCH FUN! And it's not even LUNCH TIME!!!!!


Stacy said...

That tile is gorgeous. I'm in lust.

Pat said...

I love the tile! One of these days, we will be redoing our kitchen and I am putting some of your ideas/designs into my brain for future use!

Full of Heart said...

I'm still thinking the far right paint color... I think you need to do a whole series of the different rooms at different times of day before we make a final decision... Or.. not...

Wallydraigle said...

I want some of those huge tracts of land. No matter how uncomfortable it is, I would gladly sprawl out across that beautiful tile all day long. I bet it'll be awesome during the summer--nice, cool floor..

Claudzilla said...

Gorgeous. Shiny. It's so fun to watch it all come together!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are creating a great picture archive of this remodel. thanks fir sharing the pics! And your OBC is doing a great job.

sparkli said...

wow, yeah... that tile totally changes how the paint looks! i do love the tile, beautiful! :)

Anonymous said...

oh yeah! it's beautiful!

it's so great that you can document the project here!

Christina said...

It's looking great!!!

scarfoot79 said...

I can't wait to be invited over for the first party you have in the new place!

Wait...I will be invited, right???