You see, the other night, Blankie and I sat down to get a few more stripes done, and what was on, but the Ice Dancing!
Oh! The thrills, the chills, but most importantly...
Blankie had to cover its eyes when Our Beloved Canadians (even if they did move to Nice to train in all that 'natural ice' that the South of France always has on tap) came crashing down in the final seconds. My hip hurt just WATCHING the fall.
Not much better was that other couple, with a stumble/fumble/crash and down to the ice you go! Just sloppiness on her part (says the Ice Dancing armchair champion... cough*me*cough)
But oh! The drama!
Only the Italians could spin a last-seconds crash into a three-day-long soap opera. The glare! The cold shoulder! The fire! The ice! And all because she's a diva, and he needed to lift a few more weights when he came out of retirement.
Of course, we were glued to the set last night, watching the denouement. Oh! Her Look Of Death! It was priceless. And his brush-off backstage! Ken and I were watching from behind our hands. It was truly like something out of Daytime TV. And it was real. Well, as real as Ice Dancing Shenanigans get.
Tonight, I hope to finish off the striping portion of the blanket. It's a little smaller than I'd planned, but there's no way that I'm spending another $21 on yarn to make it 'the right size'. This will just have to do.
And then I'm on to the bunny-hug for Kelly. There's still 29% of the 16 days left. Plenty of time for a kid-sized sweater... right?
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